All is clear.

All is clear.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Welcome to Joon Moon! Come on in and get comfortable. Can I get you a cup of tea?  I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Holly and I share my home with my husband Chris, and two daughters, Kylan and Jillian. We share our home with 2 border collies, Seamus and Joon, 8 cats, Marvin, Niles, Chilla,  Alice (aka The Fizz), Leo, Charlotte, Sebastian and Ruby. That's the inside of our home. The outer shell of our family consist of about 20 chickens of various breeds, plus the addition of 19 meat chickens. 6 goats. Two of which are Nigerians - Daisy and Little Man. Then we have the babies, Judith and Cocoa, they are twin Nubian Alpine crosses. Caramel which is an Alpine and ZigZag whom is a Lamancha. That leaves the rabbits. We have a breeding pair of Flemish Giants, Clover and Stompy. A breeding pair of English Angora's, Snow and Rollo. An English Angora doe youngster Dusty, and a Californian doe Lila. Lila and Stompy just had a litter born two weeks ago of 8. Sadly we lost 2 from that litters the survivors seem to be thriving! We have another litter due in about two weeks of English Angoras, keeping the fingers crossed!
   Our goal for the farm is to be a self sustained working farm. I'm not sure that we plan on selling our products but we would like to be completely dependent on the farm. Each year we would like to add a new task. This year we plan to add bee's and sheep. Hopefully my goat is pregnant so I can start milking this year. Right now I feel like my plans are very scattered and unorganized. Now there is an insight into my soul! Scattered and unorganized! Hopefully as the farm falls into place, I will too. With that being said, it is time to clean and feed the zoo! More to follow.